17 June 2014

Swipe, not Pull, to Refresh

I have recently came across this new View in the support library package that allows your app to have built-in support for pull swipe to refresh. This is pretty cool, since we don't have to use any of the libraries out there. Admittedly, very little customization can be done, but then what else can we customize, right?

Anyway, here's a short demo of using this nifty little view.
Initial list
While refreshing
After refreshing

The app is a simple ListView that shows a list of countries. Swiping down on the list will simulate a long-running activity (like connecting to a server, for example) and afterwards updating the list with new data.

Adding support for swipe to refresh is pretty straightforward. You would have to wrap the swipe-able layout in a SwipeRefreshLayout. Here is my XML file:

<android.support.v4.widget.SwipeRefreshLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
    tools:ignore="MergeRootFrame" >

          android:layout_height="match_parent" />


In your Fragment, you would then have to put an onRefreshListener on this SwipeRefreshLayout. In my Fragment's onCreateView, I have this:

// Configure the swipe refresh layout
mSwipeRefreshLayout = (SwipeRefreshLayout) rootView.findViewById(R.id.container);
   R.color.swipe_color_1, R.color.swipe_color_2,
   R.color.swipe_color_3, R.color.swipe_color_4);

The colors are defined in a colors.xml file in my res/values folder. To show or hide the refresh animation, you would have to call setRefreshing(boolean). This means that if you have to kick off an AsyncTask when the user swipes down, call setRefreshing(true) in onPreExecute, and call setRefreshing(false) in onPostExecute.

The implementation of onRefresh in the demo app is pretty simple, it simply grabs the next bunch of countries from a pre-defined list.

public void onRefresh() {
    // Start showing the refresh animation
    // Simulate a long running activity
    new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
    }, 5000);

That's it really.  Nice and short. The code for this demo is in Github.

08 June 2014

Quick Tip: Understanding Alternate Resources

Trying to support as many devices as possible the best way possible is a very daunting task indeed. You will usually need to provide a lot of different layouts, strings, or dimensions (among others) to make your app look great whatever the user's device is. And then you start chaining resource qualifiers and testing which resource is being loaded by the OS can become a nightmare very quickly.

Here's a trick I started using which seemed to work quite well. Create a string (the app name works well if you have an Action Bar) that you can display on-screen (or just throw into a Log or a Toast) that will quickly let you know from which of those very many /res folders your resources are being pulled out of.

For this demo, I have the following /res/values-xxxxx folders:

As you can see, there are strings.xml files in each of the configurations I want to support. Each of these files will contain whatever description we want to see on the device or in the Logs. In my case, I have custom strings for each form factor and orientation, which allows me to validate things easier. But this is particularly useful if the changes per form factor and orientation is subtle, such as dimensions.

Here's what it looks like for phones:

And here are the outputs for tablets:

Each of the strings.xml files contains just these two strings (sample taken from /res/values-sw800dp):

    MultiDeviceSupport - Tablet Portrait
    Hello world on a tablet!

Have fun debugging!

05 June 2014

Adding attributes to a custom view

There are times when using the default Android Views just doesn't cut it and you need to create your own version of a View. So how exactly do you do that? It's as simple as subclassing the View! But what if you want to add customizable attributes? Here's how.

Let's say I am creating a form-filling application and I want some of the EditTexts in the form to be required. However, I am so tired of having to implement the error checking for each and every one of those fields. What I will do is create my own EditText that will do the validation for me if that particular field is required. Let's do it.

Step 1: Create your custom view and create fields for the attributes you want. In this case, I want an EditText that will show the default EditText error display if the user has not put in any value.
public class RequiredEditText extends EditText {
   private boolean mRequired;
   private String mErrorMessage;

   public RequiredEditText(Context context) {

   * Set this EditText's requirement validation. The error message
   * will be set to null by default if not provided.
   * @param required
   * @param errorMessage (optional)
   public void setRequired(boolean required, String errorMessage) {
      this.mRequired = required;
      this.mErrorMessage = errorMessage;
   public void setRequired(boolean required) {
      setRequired(required, null);

   * Lets you know if this field is set as required or not
   * @return
   public boolean isRequiredField() {
   return mRequired;
Step 2: If a field is required, we want the default error message to appear (with our own error message, of course). If the user fills in the EditText, we want the error to disappear.
public class RequiredEditText extends EditText {
   private boolean mRequired;
   private String mErrorMessage;

   public RequiredEditText(Context context) {

   * Set this EditText's requirement validation. The error message
   * will be set to null by default if not provided.
   * @param required
   * @param errorMessage (optional)
   public void setRequired(boolean required, String errorMessage) {
      this.mRequired = required;
      this.mErrorMessage = errorMessage;
   public void setRequired(boolean required) {
      setRequired(required, null);

   private void manageRequiredField(boolean required) {
      // If we are required, set the listeners
      if(required) {
      } else {
         // In case there is an error message already, clear it
         // Remove the listeners

   * Lets you know if this field is set as required or not
   * @return
   public boolean isRequiredField() {
      return mRequired;

   OnFocusChangeListener mFocusChangeListener = new OnFocusChangeListener() {

      public void onFocusChange(View v, boolean hasFocus) {
         // If the focus was removed from the field and it IS required,
         // check if the user has put in something
         if(!hasFocus && mRequired){
   TextWatcher mTextWatcher = new TextWatcher() {

      public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) {
         // Once the user types in something, remove the error

      public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after) { /* do nothing */ }

      public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) { /* do nothing */ }   

   private boolean isRequiredFieldFilled() {
      // If the EditText is empty, show the error message
         return false;
      return true;

   private void showRequiredErrorDrawable() {
Step 3: Now it's time to add the fields to the Layout Editor. Create an attrs.xml file in /res if there isn't one already. Declare a styleable and include the attributes you want to appear in the Layout Editor.


The name of the styleable does not need to match your custom view class name, but doing so makes it more readable and maintainable.

Step 4: Go back to your custom view implementation and add constructors that take in an AttributeSet.
public RequiredEditText(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
   super(context, attrs, defStyle);

public RequiredEditText(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
   super(context, attrs);

private void init(AttributeSet attrs) { 
   TypedArray a=getContext().obtainStyledAttributes(

   try {
      setRequired(a.getBoolean(R.styleable.RequiredEditText_required, false), 
   } finally {
      //Don't forget this, we need to recycle
Step 5: Go to the Layout Editor and look for "Custom & Library Views" in the Palette (you may have to click on "Refresh" several times before your custom view appears in the list). Add the custom view to your layout and check out the properties panel!

 As always, the code is in GitHub.